hentai artist
Otaku over9000 (๑❛ ‿ ❛๑)
lame nerd trying to draw anime
if you like my art and want me support me, buy me a Ko-fi.

© Momoka Neko. All rights reserved.
*additional character +$27 *
After briefing and pricing are negotiated and paid. I will draw sketch for you to approve before doing lineart or color.- When I send you finished piece, I'm willing to fix/add minor changes. After it's approved, I'll e-mail high resolution .png/.jpg file.TERMSPayment : Upfront in USD with Paypal.Do : Humans, nonhumans (light anthro, nekos, nekomimis), OC, Fanarts, NSFW, kinks.Don't : full mecha or gore
Okay with most things but I retain rights to refuse.
Environment or detailed background will be charged $10 - $30 more depending on the details
After briefing and pricing are negotiated and paid. I will draw sketch for you to approve before doing lineart or color.- When I send you finished piece, I'm willing to fix/add minor changes. After it's approved, I'll e-mail high resolution .png/.jpg file.TERMSPayment : Upfront in USD with Paypal.Do : Humans, nonhumans (light anthro, nekos, nekomimis), OC, Fanarts, NSFW, kinks.Don't : full mecha or gore
Okay with most things but I retain rights to refuse.
Message me directly on Twitter.
or email me @ [email protected]
or my discord @eromegamisensei
Buy me a Ko-fi if you like my art
Thank you
Thank You very much for visiting my page. Im sorry if it has caused you trouble